An ergonomically designed system, with 5" colour touch screen graphic user interface, with internal memory of 2GB for storage of data and reports. The system is LAN enabled and hence does not need a dedicated PC. It can be used as a stand alone or operated through any PC in the network. The system is of modular design, for easy handling and service. It has a separate Glass bath of 2ltr capacity with a specially designed glass viscometer with optical sensors to measure the viscosity of the given sample.
Temp. range : +150C to 1500C.
Temp. Control Accuracy : ±0.050C.
Temp. Resolution : 0.010C
Sample Volume : 15ml
Viscosity Range : 0.5 to 10,000cst(mm2/sec)
Viscosity Accuracy : ±2%
*Auto Cleaning with 2/3 solvents
*Minimal Solvent consumption
*Auto Sample Drawing
*Auto Capillary/Range Selection
*Auto Testing after sample Temp. Stabilization
*Auto System Diagnostic Features
*Communication/transfer by USB/Ethernet/RS232
*Inbuilt Memory to store upto 10,000 records
*Reduced VOC Emissions
*Automatic Dynamic Viscosity Determination
*Automatic Viscosity Index Determination
*100% GLP Compliance
*Faster testing and cleaning speed
*Auto sample changer for unattended continuous testing
CODE : 11009-11